Joseph Borg - His witness

This is the translation of Joseph Borg witness VAT Customs Legal Office employee. It is as true to the court-recorded transcript as possible. His witness confirms that the charges of customs evasion brought against the defendant were very PETTY AND VINDICTIVE.

Joseph Borg son of Paul. Born in Bormla stationed at Customs Legal Office.
In Maltese and under oath in the presence of the defendant.

The court is showing me a letter dated 17 November 1999 addressed to the Commissioner of Police and sent by Alfred J. Pace Customs controller with the seizure notice attached to it. 
Magistrate:  Can you tell the significance of this document?

J. Borg:       This is a demand according to the Customs Ordinance to start proceedings as per the first document. The second document is a list of items that were seized according to the Customs Ordinance.

(Another time wasting exercise and confirmation of vindictiveness. The police started legal proceedings for evasion of Customs Duty with a global value of Lm130 with a customs duty of approximately Lm13. Customs Department was in John Dalli’s portfolio. This is another demonstration of boot licking a politician by Maltese senior police officers).

Cross-examination reserved.

This is the substance of the witness Joseph Borg as dictated by him.

I declare that I transcribed faithfully, honestly and according to the transcript witness tape.
Ivan Ghio.

Joseph Borg - His Witness

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